Monday, August 4, 2014

God Saw That

You know that thing you you did just now, right before clicking on the link to this blog post? God saw that. Remember that thing you did about a week ago and you thought nobody noticed? God did. You know that secret you've got that's so secret that you haven't even told your spouse or parents about it? God knows about it. God sees and knows everything. That could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what you do when you think nobody's watching you.

First, lets touch on the negative. One of Satan's lies is that "no one will ever know." According to him, you can sin and not get caught. And if you're never caught, you won't get punished. Effectively, according to Satan, you can sin and get away with it because no one will ever find out that you sinned. Of course, this isn't true. God is omniscient. He sees everything that we do, whether we try to keep it secret or not. And even if He doesn't tell anybody (which He might, but assuming He doesn't), it'll still come up at Final Judgement. Even if you and He are the only two people who ever find out what you did, just knowing that He knows what you did is enough to tell you that you're not going to get away with anything.

On the flipside, He knows about all the good things you do, too. If you've ever done a random act of secret service, God saw that. The last time you did something nice and good, and you thought nobody noticed it, God did. If you're working on a secret, charitable project that nobody knows about but you, God knows about it also. And He's probably proud of you for it. There are people who publicly announce the good things that they do, hoping to be recognized and then there are those who do good things on a regular basis with very little fanfare about it, and perhaps the only person who truly notices how much good you do is God Himself. But that's okay. Even if the only person who truly understands how much good you do for others is God, it'll still come up at Final Judgement, and He'll make sure you're justly blessed for your quiet service.

God is omniscient and totally just. Nothing escapes His attention, and none of it will slip His mind when it comes time for our Final Judgement. In fact, the only things that WON'T come up at Final Judgement are the sins for which we've adequately repented. So, let's repent of our sins, even the ones nobody knows about, and let's do good, even if nobody notices. God, who knows, notices, and cares about everything, will make sure all the scales balance in the end, and whether that means dispensing blessings for secret service or exacting punishments for secret sins is entirely up to us.

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