Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Busy Building Prisons

I was reading in the Book of Mormon earlier this evening, and a particular passage caught my attention. Alma 53:5
And this city became an exceeding stronghold ever after; and in this city they did guard the prisoners of the Lamanites; yea, even within a wall which they had caused them to build with their own hands. Now Moroni was compelled to cause the Lamanites to labor, because it was easy to guard them while at their labor; and he desired all his forces when he should make an attack upon the Lamanites.

Some of the stories in the war chapters refer to tactics Satan uses against us. I believe this on one of them. The devil can't really force us to do anything, so he tries to get us to trap ourselves by force of habit. And once he has succeeded at that, he tries to keep us busy so we don't have time to focus on overcoming our faults. Like Moroni, Satan finds it easier to guard his prisoners when they're too busy to try to escape. And if he can get us to habitually do things that make it harder to escape, all the better for him.

I haven't figured out the part of the analogy where Moroni desired all his forces to attack the Lamanites. Maybe it's that Satan only has so many fallen angels, and the fewer devils it takes to keep the sinners busy, the more devils he has for tempting everyone else? I don't know how much that's really a factor in this war, so maybe not.

Anyhow, the rest of the analogy is pretty good, so I thought I'd pass it along. It's important to keep an eye on our actions, they're helping us resist Satan's influence or whether they're putting us deeper into bondage to him. Considering our actions is what I had planned on blogging about this morning, and what I plan on blogging about tomorrow, so this scripture goes along pretty well with that. Consider your actions, and particularly evaluate whether you're building your heavenly mansion or whether Satan's got you busy building your own prison.

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