Friday, May 6, 2016

Too Many Half-Thoughts to Blog About

I was having trouble blogging this morning, so I went to the list of Daily Messages on, hoping to find a quick quote to blog about. That didn't happen. Struggling to find an idea simple enough to blog about, I almost gave up on writing a good blog post today, but then I saw a quote from Elder James B. Martino's talk, "Turn to Him and Answers Will Come."
"Your answer will come…It may not come as quickly or in the format you desire but the answer will come. Do not give up!"
A few pages of quotes later, I saw a quote that read, "Brothers and sisters, living the gospel doesn’t need to be complicated." and another that read "Too many people think Church leaders and members should be perfect…They forget that the Lord’s grace is sufficient."

That was my answer.

Too often, I think that my blog posts aren't good enough, and that if I can't fully explain a unique idea in an interesting and inspiring way every day, I've failed somehow, but that's not why God asked me to blog. Another quote, which I lost a few pages back and am not going to go back and hunt for it, said something about how our progress is God's ultimate goal. Sure, it's nice when I can inform and inspire others through my blog, but that's not really the point. At least, it's not the only point. God asked me to blog daily so I'll have an reason to ponder something every day, so I'll keep my mind on spiritual things, so I'll develop a stronger closeness to the Holy Spirit. Sharing fully developed spiritual thoughts is a side effect; having spiritual thoughts is the cause.

I'm going to try to remember this, going forward. Sometimes, my blog posts aren't very good, and I sometimes feel bad about that, but the quality of my thoughts aren't as important as the nature of my thoughts. I may not always be able to communicate what I'm thinking, but as long as I'm thinking about things of a spiritual nature, I'm accomplishing the goal of my blog. Sometimes, and maybe again sometime soon, I'll share some of the half-thoughts I tried to blog about this morning, if only to discuss the questions with you and keep the topic fresh in my mind. Maybe we'll find the answers together. At any rate, I still have a lot to think about, and that's a good thing, even if not all of those thoughts can become what I consider good blog posts.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

"the quality of my thoughts aren't as important as the nature of my thoughts. I may not always be able to communicate what I'm thinking, but as long as I'm thinking about things of a spiritual nature, I'm accomplishing the goal of my blog"

love it. Something for me to remember and apply in my life.