Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Life Is An Opportunity

Today, I saw a video on Facebook that says that life is an opportunity. It's not something that you have to do; it's something you get to do. I think I needed to hear that perspective. I sometimes get overwhelmed by life, and I think "I didn't sign up for this," but in actuality, I did. I did sign up for a mortal life. I once saw it as an exciting, if a bit intimidating, opportunity. Sure, I may not have had many good alternatives, and life can certainly seem like a drag now, but at at least one point, I was glad to have an opportunity to come to Earth.

But somewhere down the road, I seem to have lost that spark of excitement. I somehow lost sight of what an amazing opportunity being alive is. I got caught up in all the things I can't do and all the things I have to do, and this life began to seem much more like a chore than an opportunity.

I'm not going to exaggerate and say that this video changed my entire outlook on life, but I think it contributed a little bit toward helping me change my perspective. I'm trying to get excited about life again, and remembering that I once saw life as a great opportunity, rather than as a set of obligations, helps me out a lot. I'm trying to remember to see challenges and commandments in a positive light, as ways to gain practical experience and to earn blessings, as ways to prove my strength and improve it, and as ways to draw nearer to God by both improving my relationship with Him and by becoming more like Him.

It's going to take continuing effort to see life as an opportunity rather than as an obligation, but if that perspective improves the quality of my life as much as I think it will, it'll be worth it. I'd like to get that spark back. I'd like to once again feel excited about life. I'm usually a fairly cheerful and upbeat person, but I don't feel very upbeat now, and I'd like to change that. I need to change my perspective, and focussing on life's opportunities might just do the trick.

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