Monday, October 3, 2016

Blog Before Math

I bet that at least a hundredth of my blog posts are about how or why I'm bad at blogging or what I could and should do to be a better blogger. This post will be part of that figure.

In an attempt to make good use of my time tonight and yesterday night, I did some of my math homework. Granted, it takes hours, and this particular batch of math homework is due on the day after tomorrow, so getting it done as soon as possible isn't necessarily a bad idea. However, doing my math homework before I blog that day is. Both last night and tonight, I did math before blogging, and then almost forgot to blog at all, and I'm sure my blog posts have suffered for it.

There's a reason high-priority tasks take priority. There's only so much time in a day, and a person only has so much energy. If you perform the tasks at the top of your To-Do list first, there's no guarantee that you'll have enough time and energy to also complete the tasks at the bottom.

So, long story short, I should blog before I do math homework. Doing homework is important, but it's not quite as important to me as blogging. As with keeping my other spiritual commitments, blogging does, or at least should, take priority.

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