Friday, October 14, 2016

"Shall He Find Faith?"

Early on in Sister Carol F. McConkie's Saturday Morning Session talk, she read from Luke 18: 1-8, a passage of scripture that ends with the question, "when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"

I sometimes wonder. Generally speaking, the world is not headed in the right direction. Many people doubt the importance of faith and question the wisdom of those who possess it. Personally, I doubt the strength of my faith, and I sometimes wonder whether I will have enough wisdom to keep it. Forget the earth; when Jesus Christ comes again, will He find faith in me?

This is a question we must all ask ourselves. How strong is our faith, and how strongly will we hold on to it as doing so becomes increasingly difficult? The world is drifting away from God. Will we have the courage and wisdom to stand by Him and have faith in Him, even when others don't?

If Jesus is to find faith on the earth when He comes again, that faith will have to be held and preserved by those who have taken His name upon them. If we, as Christians, don't hold on to our faith in Jesus Christ, then no one will. If we want Jesus to find a God-fearing people on the earth at His coming, then we are going to have to be that kind of people. Will Christ find faith on the earth when He comes again? Only if He finds it in us.

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