Thursday, January 5, 2017

A Brighter Day

If I decide to use both the historical approach and the approach where I focus on our unique doctrines, I could connect the two through contrast. The Great Apostasy was a very dark age for mankind. Many of the truths taught by the prophets and apostles, and by Christ Himself, were distorted and/or lost. Men no longer turned to God for answers, and instead, the churches of the day relied on what little they knew, or thought they knew. Without revelation, most of mankind was left to stumble in the dark.

In contrast, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is led by the light of modern revelation. Every decision by the leaders of the church is first taken to the Lord for guidance and confirmation. Every doctrine we have has been taught and testified of by the Spirit of God. And whenever we have any questions about what we should do or believe, we can each personally go to the Lord for guidance. We don't have to rely on the instructions of religious leaders who rely solely on their own knowledge and wisdom. We and our leaders can all receive revelation, guidance, and confirmation from God.

Especially compared to the Dark Ages, we have  access to a tremendous amount of light. It's a great blessing to know that we and the church and the world as a whole are all far better off now than we were a thousand years ago. We don't have to wander in darkness any more; we live in an era of light. I'm thankful for the amount of truth and light we have now, especially considering how much better off we are now than the world was in the Dark Ages.

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