Friday, January 20, 2017

How to Pray Like a Warrior

In the blog post I mentioned yesterday, which can be found here, the author, Maurice W. Harker shared an example of a warrior's prayer and how it might be adapted to our spiritual battle.
“Father, please grant that I will see the enemy in time to win the war.
Please help me to observe and understand the fighting techniques of the enemy.
Help me to develop techniques and weapons sufficiently effective to win my battles.
Please help me to work hard to train…to become stronger, faster and more precise with my skills.
Please help me to be strong, precise and fast so I can protect my family.
And help me to always remember, so that I will be filled with motivation and courage, why I am fighting.”
With just a little change to the wording, an excellent prayer for modern day warriors can be developed:
“Father, please grant me an increase in the Spirit of Discernment, so I will recognize Satanic attacks in time to win each battle.
Father, please help me to observe, discern and understand the attacks and fighting methods Satan will try on my mind, heart and spirit.
Help me to discover and develop techniques and weapons (actions, words, thoughts, feelings and chemical switches) sufficiently effective to win the battles that come my way.
Please fill me with the desire to work hard to train…to become stronger, faster and more precise with these techniques and weapons…sufficient to win the battles.
Please help me to remember why I am fighting and why I am training so hard…so I will be filled with the motivation and courage necessary to protect my life, my (future) wife, my (future) children and our freedom!”
I already knew that it's important to pray for some of these things, like the Spirit of Discernment and help with developing effective temptation-resisting techniques, but I hadn't thought of praying for motivation and desire to train and fight. I guess I had figured that we had to supply our own motivation, since resisting temptation has to be our choice it's uncommon for God to place any influence on a person's mind. I didn't realize (or perhaps had forgotten) that God is willing to increase our desire and motivation to choose the right, if we ask Him to.

If you find yourself facing tough spiritual battles and you find that you could use an edge in those conflicts, I'd encourage you to look over these warrior's prayers and pick one or two things that you may not have been praying for, and start praying for those things more regularly. I plan on doing so, and I feel confident that it will help me develop a stronger desire to do what's right. Perhaps some of these suggestions could help you, too.

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