Saturday, June 10, 2017

Crossroads Everywhere

We sometimes talk about crossroads as places where we can make a choice, and we can choose one path or the other, but life is actually a lot more complicated than that. We are constantly facing choices, and there are far more options to choose from to list them all. Picturing life as a series of trails and crossroads with sets of two to four branching paths may help us understand the concept and importance of making choices, but it glosses over the fact that we are making choices literally all the time. And the choices we make are a lot more detailed than just choosing option A, B, or C. To continue with the pathway analogy, we choose not only which pathway to follow, but how far to follow it. We choose how quickly or slowly we walk. We choose how we walk. We choose exactly where to place our feet every time we take a step. If we make each choice we face its own crossroad, we soon find that there are crossroads everywhere, and they each have an infinite number of options. It seems a bit overwhelming to me that I have so many options, but I also find it liberating that I'm not stuck on some linear path with only a finite set of options. I can choose my own path, and I choose it with every step I take.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Once we choose our destination and our Guide, it gets a little easier. Not necessarily easy, but easier. You have made major important choices so that many dangerous paths are not even a consideration. Others have made poor choices so that it is difficult for them to see the better path. BUT no matter how far off one has strayed, if one calls out with real desire and faith, the perfect Guide will come give him a hand and help him make the difficult climb to the safer path.