Monday, August 7, 2017

A Draining Debate

Today wasn't as restful as I had hoped it would be, probably in large part because I spent much of the day debating a personal issue online. Now, I know that debates are important, but they are also emotionally exhausting to some people and spiritually draining. Some people, particularly those who debate such issues frequently, may have the stamina to debate often, but I think I prefer discussions over debates. I like it when everyone tries to understand other people's points of view instead of trying to persuade others to see things their way. Of course, I could have done a much better job of trying to understand others earlier, and perhaps, if I had, the debate/discussion would have gone much more smoothly and might actually have accomplished something productive. I think that we could all stand to become better listeners and the world would be a much nicer place if we did.

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