Wednesday, August 16, 2017


I love communication. We are blessed to live in an era with miraculous devices that enable us to instantly communicate with people all over the globe. If you are reading this blog post, that almost definitely means that you have access to the Internet, which means that you can ask the world questions and quickly get thousands of answers. Do you want to know what the standard currency of Taiwan is? You could find out very easily with a quick web search, and countless other questions could be answered just as easily.

But, of course, there's a catch. Among the thousands of answers the internet will give you to any questions you could possibly think of asking, there are going to be some wrong answers. For example, if you ask the internet what happened in Charlottesville a few days ago, you are going to get a wide variety of answers. These answers differ because each person has their own perspective and set of opinions. Even if each person was being completely honest, they would all have vastly different stories to tell. Thus, the complete, unvarnished, objective truth of this or any matter can be hard to find on the internet.

Fortunately, while the internet is a good source of answers, we all have access to an even better source of Truth. Now, I highly doubt that God will tell or show any of us exactly what happened in Charlottesville, but He will tell us something that's even more important and an even stronger point of internet contention: what we ought to do about it. God won't tell us the standard currency of Taiwan or what sort of weather we can expect to see in Nebraska this weekend; we can turn to the internet for answers like that, but God is the best source to turn to for advice.

So, as we all try to determine what to say and how to say it and what to do and how to do it, it probably couldn't hurt to consult the internet, but we should definitely consult God, too. The internet is a wonderful tool, but it doesn't have all the answers. The internet can give us directions to the nearest restaurant or anywhere else on the globe, but God can give us accurate, trustworthy directions for life.

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