Sunday, August 13, 2017

Daily Devotions

In his General Conference talk, Whatsoever He Saith unto You, Do It, Elder L. Whitney Clayton spoke about the importance of "simple practices of faith, such as studying the Book of Mormon . . . paying tithing, and serving in the Church with devotion." I occasionally blog about the same topic, usually noting that I need to do a better job of consistently employing those practices. Tonight is same as usual. I guess that my problem is that I stay up too late blogging and watching Youtube videos, so my brother / roommate has usually gone to bed by the time I do, and I don't want to wake him and keep him up by reading a book, assuming I'm still awake enough to get anything from reading it.

However, it has occurred to me that I don't necessarily have to read the scriptures every night. I could read them every morning instead, and get that whole "'Ere you left your room this morning" thing going. I might still stink at blogging early, but if I read the scriptures in the morning, before even getting out of bed, I might pick up spiritual messages that I'll remember longer than it takes me to fall asleep at night. Those spiritual messages may even be blogworthy, giving me the opportunity to blog first thing in the morning, before the whole day evaporates.

I had thought that I should blog earlier so I could spend part of my evening reading the scriptures so I could find things I could blog about so I could blog about them earlier. Now, I think I had the right idea, except that my timing was just a bit off. Tweaking the cycle slightly, the new plan is to read the scriptures first thing in the morning (getting my day off to a good start), and then blogging shortly after I get out of bed (rather than shortly before I go to bed). I'll follow this plan for a few days, or as long as I can manage to stick to the plan, and we'll see how it goes. Elder Clayton made some pretty great promises to those who keep up their "simple practices of faith." Most of the Apostles have. Now that I have a slightly revised plan, I figure that it's worth another shot.

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