Sunday, October 1, 2017

Would You Rather...?

This evening, my family played a silly game called "Would You Rather...?" This game consists mostly (or entirely, depending on how you play it) on asking questions that begin with "Would you rather" and then present the players with two choices. Sometimes, both of the options are good, and sometimes neither of them are, but there are no wrong answers; each player makes their decision (then possibly does some game-related thing, like moving a marker on a board) and then everyone moves on to the next question.

Life works kind of like that. Every so often, we are asked to choose what we would rather do. There are always more than two options, and sometimes there are right and wrong answers, but we are almost constantly being forced to make choices. There are times when we can choose between two or more good options, and we can take our pick, and sometimes, we are forced to choose between two unpleasant options, and we have to pick our poison, but we almost always (if not always) have choices.

As difficult as it can be to make tough decisions, I'm glad that God leaves those decisions up to us. Yes, there are choices He asks us to make and choices He asks us not to make, but there are also many choices He lets us make with no input or judgement from Him. God has given us commandments, but He has also given us a good deal of freedom that we can explore while keeping the commandments. I am grateful when God gives me clear directions, but I'm also grateful when God asks "Would you rather..." and then lets me choose my own path.

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